We follow a pattern of worship that Christians have been using for hundreds of years. It’s full of Scripture, singing, and the Lord’s gifts! If it’s unfamiliar to you, we have a bulletin with the service printed out for you to follow along. Don’t be afraid to ask someone if you need help either! Join us on Sunday at 8:30 in Hannover or 10:30 in New Salem, or on Wednesday at 7:30 in Hannover.
Sunday School
On Sunday morning at 9:30 in Hannover, you can bring your kids for Sunday School. They will learn about the Bible, why we do what we do, and have fun doing it. We also host a Vacation Bible School every summer.
There’s more to do than just Sunday School. We organize youth events throughout the year, and there’s always something going on in the state. We’d love to have you join us!
Bible Studies
We go through the Bible step by step and talk about what God has to say to us today. Questions about anything and everything are encouraged! Join us on Thursday at 7:00 P.M. in Hannover.

St. Peter in Hannover, ND, and Zion Lutheran in New Salem, ND, are members of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
© 2020 St. Peter and Zion Lutheran Churches. All Rights Reserved.